So, I don't know if you have heard of this phenomenon called Zumba, but it seems to be taking over the world. It's everywhere and seems on the surface like something that I would LOVE. Not being a huge fan of scheduled, intentional exercise, but loving movement in many forms I finally thought, ok, it's time to try Zumba.
I went on a Saturday morning by myself. I forgave my gym buddy, Bo, the trip partly because I would never force him to attend something like Zumba, and partly because sometimes these sorts of things are best done alone. Some people (who I think exercise a lot) speak of the ability to clear their minds when they work out, do yoga, etc. I am not one of these people. I try, and I'm getting better at it, but I think Zumba gave me more of a mental work out than a physical one! Don't get me wrong, I was huffing and puffing, but I was completely stuck in my head because I didn't really like it. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a rather nice person. I try to be positive, see the big picture, not judge things or people too harshly... so I spent the whole class battling my own demons about why I wasn't having fun.
It was sort of a dance class meets aerobics class, but being someone who has taken many dance classes I struggled with wanting it to be more like dance. I wanted to perfect the moves, critique my performance, make improvements and well, be really good at it. Zumba brought up one of my biggest struggles. I want perfection. I'm not the kind of person who actually has to perfect everything, but I do internally struggle with wanting to be perfect at everything I do. Ha! Funny how even when you know something is ridiculous it still sticks with you...
Zumba was silly and fast paced and that is the point. Zumba isn't about perfection, it's about allowing yourself to let go, be silly, have fun and get a work out. And I had a really hard time doing it. What I did get out of it was an experience, a lesson, a reminder to let go and just go with it. I still feel like I should like it, so perhaps I will go back when the mood strikes me. Getting out and experiencing new things is incredibly important, and whether you like them or not you almost always get something out of it; so thank you Zumba for stirring my inner demons! They needed some exercise too.
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