Yesterday it was eight bajillion degrees outside and unbelievably humid out so we escaped (after a slow morning) by sailing out to sea. You may or may not know by now that while on the one hand I have a pretty easy going, relaxed, happy nature, I also am a totally wound up stress case. My brain is always buzzing with what I need to get done by when, what I need to prepare for, how much time I have to do it in and stress, stress, STRESS about it all. Even though I know none of this is helpful to me in any way, it still happens. AND there seem to be very few times that I can really be rid of the stress of what I need to do. Even though I know that none of what I stress about is really important. The world isn’t going to end if I don’t worry about this stuff, or even if I don’t get it done. Not the way I want to live my life at all.
So two things. #1, I’m working on this feeling like this more often,
and #2 I realized last night as we were driving home, that the whole time we were sailing I didn’t think for a minute about anything else in my life. Not once did I think about what I needed to do next or what I should be getting done. Just the wind direction, trimming the sails, and our heading. I think I just remembered my happy place.