Woods Hole has a sketchy little inlet to get out of on the way to the Cape Cod Canal, but luckily things only happen in 3's so we made it out safe a sound!

LOVE New England, no doubt that we are close to home as we passed the New England coast. It smells like home!

Last minute alterations on our way out of the Canal at 12:30pm. We weren't taking any chances of the engine dying so we played it safe with the fuel line directly to a new tank in the cockpit :) Getting SO excited that the end is in sight! We had what seemed like plenty of widn and thought we might get in in the middle of the night with only 105 miles to go from Canal to Cape Elizabeth! It died down a bit though so an early morning landing was more likely...

Crew hard at work!

After several hours in, Donny helped me with the finishing touches scraping the old plasticy rubber off of the life lines. It was all cracked and breaking and they look so much better! My hands were killing me!

We had a beautiful night with light wind and incredible shooting stars! I set my alarm for 5:45 knowing we might be close and I didn't want to miss a moment of the morning! The last sunrise! When I woke we had 11 miles to Cape Elizabeth, I was so excited I was jumping out of my skin! Of course, being so excited seems to slow time down so what should have taken us threeish hours took four and I swear it felt like ten.

As we approached Cape Elizabeth the fog set in... first just lightly and then until we couldn't see 30 yards around us... so much for a picturesque arrival! Slowly we started hearing fog horns and as we got closer we could see Portland Head Light!

Maneuvering throught the fog!

Portland Head Light! I will spare you the 58 photos that I took as we approached out of pure giddyness!

The fog had lifted in the harbor, Spring Point Light and the East End!

Linda took pictures of us coming into the harbor!

Dad's old friend Jeff lives on his boat year round at Custom House Wharf and let us tie up next to him for the first few days! 10 am on day 16!

We were greeted at the Porthole by some of my favorite people! So happy and tired and excited and in a fog, we had greesy, yummy breakfast as we steadied our legs on land! After about an hour the fatigue set in for me and lasted about five days, but I am so happy to be in a place that feels so completely like home. I miss my family dearly but am feeling so much more like myself. More to come on the first few days at home! Thank you for following!

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