Saturday, October 5, 2013

Time For Some Organization



When I was in high school I remember being very organized. I always showed up on time, I kept track of my daily schedule and obligations... somewhere along the line I lost those skills. I suppose as you grow up life gets more complicated and its harder to keep track of, but I am always running late and much as I try I can't keep myself organized to save my life!

I am a list maker. I constantly have lists going for various things that I need to keep track of. The problem is there are so many different categories of information that I can never remember what is on which list and maybe even where I put that list five minutes ago when I was writing it. So I graduated to keeping different notebooks for different topics. I have my daily task notebook, my planner, (yes I am still a paper planner type of person) my massage business notebook, my pottery business notebook, my keep track of my spending notebook, and more. While this feeds my love of cute little books, it also keeps my bag very heavy and I still have notes scattered between different books if I write things down in a hurry. And then do you think I can find them when I need them? Not so much.


So my exciting news of the day is that Justin found something that I think is going to solve my problem! It's called bullet journaling. At first it seemed a little overwhelming. A lot of little things to remember to make it all work, but at a closer look I've decided that it's brilliant and am a little upset with myself that I wasn't able to come up with it on my own. Essentially, it's a way to organize and KEEP TRACK OF all of the little things you write down for yourself. The brilliance lies in keeping the first page (or pages) as an index. Every time you add an entry, you give it a title and on the index page write down what page that topic is on. If you add another entry 23 pages later, you just add that page number to the topic. For example:


Brilliant! The website suggests a graph paper notebook, but being my artist self I bought a beautiful handmade notebook from Purple Bean Bindery without lines assuming that I could figure out how to function on blank pages. Now every little passing thought, task list, sketch of a new design idea, can be written down and easily found afterwards! IMG_8490

I still have a couple of  books that I use for different things, but I have just this one book that I can carry with me and keep daily reminders and lists in that is nice and organized! Hopefully this is going to keep my head free of worrying about remembering things so that I can be more productive and efficient with my time and cross those tasks off the list!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Rockland Weekend

This weekend I had the Maine Boats Homes and Harbors show with my pots in Rockland… a weekend that financially turned out not so well but a few good things came from it. First I got to spend three awesome nights with my sweet friends the Eichenlaubs, which is always a treat, and second, I got my work in a gallery called Michael Good Gallery in Rockland.
This show was nice, but long and very slow this year, which adds to the unfortunate part of doing shows, which is just that you can never know how they are going to go until you try them. And even then, a show could be great one year and not the next. So it was worth a go, but I’m not sure I will do it again.
In the end the highlight was staying with Jake, Iris, and Sylvan, (Jonas was away at “nerd” camp) and I was so grateful for them as always. So many yummy meals, laughs and good visiting!
And here is Iris’s sweet handwritten recipe of rosemary infused homemade lemonade that is to die for. Check out her blog she is amazing and always shares great things! Yum!

Friday, August 9, 2013

my new love

So my very dear friend Amanda and her sweet husband Adam created the most amazing human being this past year, and I am so in love. Lots and lots of my friends have had babies and they all have been amazing in their own little ways. Aiden was my first baby love, when I was still in college. He was the first of our group to come along and he was my little buddy, and in the 13 years since then there have been many sweet little beings born.
This year however, this baby, is different. He’s AMANDA’s. Amanda, who has known me longer than almost anyone. Amanda, who I met at 6 years old, grew up with on Peaks Island, went through high school with, worked at the ice cream store with, shared so many pieces of my life with that when I look at her, I see myself. Literally. It’s weird. I am incredibly grateful everyday that our friendship is still a strong, no questions relationship that has lasted so many years.
Emmett's arrival completely shifted my world, he is the closest to feeling like my child of any children I know, if that makes any sense, coming from Amanda who feels like an extension of me. I have spent so much time with them, and also he is just an amazing little man. He is complete joy, his face, his smile, is just contagious and enlightening and he just makes you happy. I venture to say that even non children people would think this child is amazing. I’ve honestly doubted whether I will love my own children as much as I do Emmett. (I’m sure I will, but THAT is the kind of love I have for this baby!)
So I might just straight up post series of photos of this amazing child, because he is a huge part of my world now. Don’t think I have had a baby, there will be a HUGE announcement before that happens, and yes we talk about it and yes we will get there someday, but not today. Today we will enjoy Emmett and the other littles around us!
Emmett Inside _1watermark

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

House Reminds Me, And I Don’t Mind

I came home this evening and turned on the TV to find the show House. For some strange reason I find this show comforting. It flashes me back in time, 11:00 ish, a little more than four years ago in Atlanta. Every night my sister and I would hunker down on our fold out bed after being kicked out of the hospital, and we would watch at least an hour of House. After a full day of watching and waiting on and for Cruise, surviving on hospital food, and hope that the situation would get better, because it had to, why we chose to watch a hospital show, I’m not sure I can answer. Maybe it’s because it was familiar. Maybe because it is based on severe health situations and at the end, there was always an answer. They always got better. Made up, medical, consciously or not, maybe it gave me hope.
Never have I ever lived my life so in the moment. I left home having no idea what spinal cord injury really meant, or even that SCI was what we were facing. For six months, I lived in the moment, never knowing what was next. And while those days were scary, sad, devastating at moments, they were also some of the best days of my life. Do I wish I could change it all for Cruise, yes. Of course. Do I wish I could change it for my parents? All of his friends who witnessed his injury and endure it with him? Everyone that the ripple effect of this injury effects? Yes. But when you can’t go back, you have to go forward. I am so grateful that we are a family of humor and strength. I laughed more in those first three months in the hospital than I had in years. I felt in a way that I never have. Pain, love, helplessness, hope. I learned, and laughed and loved like never before.
I live far away from my family. I don’t live this injury anymore on a daily basis. I forget sometimes, not that the situation exists, but what it feels like every moment of everyday. I know they are tired, scared, sad, and overwhelmed, as well as hopeful. And that I have the luxury of living my physical life free of their reality. They all handle it amazingly well, considering, but life with spinal cord injury is hard, and there is no understanding until you are living it. So I visit when I can, help when I can, and try to remain grateful for everything in my life. One foot in front of the other. It’s been four years, and I am so proud of how far Cruise has come. It can’t be expressed in words. From this:
atlanta flight 2
to this:
Cruise’s 2012 interview with

I love you man. You’ve come a long way.